A reliable community service, focusing on helping and supporting the African Community in Minnesota

About African Community

African Community Family Services works with individuals, families, and neighborhoods impacted by addiction and mental illness. We offer culturally specific chemical and mental health programs that affect family preservation and foster community-based change and well-being from a holistic perspective.

African Community Family Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is licensed to provide outpatient chemical dependency care to adults, adolescents, members with children, and members with chemical dependence or dependency and mental health problems under Minnesota Rule 31.


Our Programs

Individual & Family Counseling:

Adults and teenagers will receive individual and family therapy from our certified mental health therapists by appointment or walk-in, depending on availability. AAFS mental health therapists can also be located in community health centers in the Twin Cities, where they provide sliding-fee mental health therapy to those who qualify. AAFS has contracts with the majority of Minnesota's insurance companies.

Trauma-Informed Treatment:

We primarily serve African Americans who live in and/or have grown up in poverty, many of whom have been subjected to disproportionately high rates of trauma and violence, such as sexual harassment, domestic violence, child abuse/neglect, and gang violence.

We promote the development and expansion of trauma-informed mental health programs within other organizations that serve African and African American people in urban areas.

Family Services

Our Family Services program assists African and African American families with minor children who have been put out of the home or are at risk of being placed out of the home, with no significant findings of child endangerment and the intention of reunification. Children and Adult Services in the county accept referrals.

Case management programs identify a family's strengths and needs, connect them to client-centered, culturally relevant wrap-around services, connect them to resources in their community where possible, help them build a supportive support system, and provide life skills instruction to help them establish a wellness-focused family culture.

Our Mission

We believe that sustainable impact starts with local leadership. For that reason we have created a community - Family Service In Minnesota organization dedicated to advancing the economic and personal development of the women and children in Africa, through greater access to education and other life-changing resources.







Mental Health Services


Trauma-Informed Treatment


Sisters AdvocACY